Old Site

This is the old Texas Chess Association website. Visit the new site at TexasChess.org.

July 19, 2015

Ballots have been mailed.

TCA Ballots were mailed on Saturday, July 18th to all members that can vote.  You do however still have time to become a member and get a ballot.  The deadline is Wednesday, July 22nd at Midnight CDT.  

The only way to guarantee that we receive new memberships in time is for you to sign up online. You may sign up online here.  Payment through PayPal is required.

The next Texas Knights issue will contain candidate introductions from those candidates that have provided one.  The Texas Knights July-August 2015 issue will be online around August 1st and for those that receive the magazine, it should be in your mailbox sometime within the first week of August.

If you have not received you ballot by the time you receive the new issue of Texas Knights (or see it online), and you want to vote, please contact us so that we can resend your ballot to you.