Old Site

This is the old Texas Chess Association website. Visit the new site at TexasChess.org.

April 29, 2010

Texas Action Championship

Jeffrey De Jesus from Houston won the 2010 Texas Action Championship (San Antonio, Apr. 24) with 4.5 out of 5. Tied for 2nd+U2100 with 4 were Selby Anderson, Ernesto Malazarte, Matthew Liu and Ju Hyung Ahn. Andrew Istafanous was top U1900 with 3.5, and Louis Rimpel won U1700 with 2.5. Tied for U1700+U1300 were David Pacheco and Ross Leone with 2. Martin Gordon directed a field of 34 players. Prizes totaled $750, or 75% of the amount based on 40 full entries.

Texas beats Oklahoma 38-22

That's not a football score! It's the result of the 8th Red River Shootout, a team match between chess players from Texas and Oklahoma. Congrats to the Texas team for posting the largest margin of victory in the history of the event. Read the detailed recap at Texas Chess Reporter.

April 21, 2010

Texas Knights in PDF format

The last 20 issues (2007-current) of Texas Knights are now online in PDF format. A special thanks to Selby Anderson for his excellent work on the magazine.