July 23-25, 2010
6SS, G/120. Hilton Hobby Airport, 8181 Airport Blvd, Houston, TX 77061, www.houstonhobbyairport.hilton.com . Free parking! $89 HR valid until 7/19, Reserve early! 713-645-3000, Group Code: USJO. 4 Sections based on age: Under 21, Under 15, Under 11 and Under 8. July Rating Supplement. Ages for entry and prizes as of 1/1/2010. U21: $500+entry to 2011 US Junior Closed - $250-$125-$75-$50. Individual plaques to top three overall, plaques for best player age 18, 17, 16, 15, Under 15. U15: Individual trophies to top five overall, trophies for best player age 14, 13, 12, 11, Under 11. U11: Individual trophies to top five overall, trophies to best player age 9, 8, 7, Under 7. U8: Individual trophies to top five overall, best player 6 & Under; honorable mention trophies for all others U8. Commemorative medals for all participants. Teams: Trophies to top three school teams and top club team in each of the four sections. Top four scores, minimum of three, count towards team score in each section. Byes: One half-point bye, any round except Rd 6, if requested before Rd 1. EF: $35 postmarked or on line by 7/9, $50 after 7/9; no checks on site. Schedule: Onsite registration, Fri 8:30 – 11:00am. Opening Ceremony, Fri 12:30pm. Rounds, Fri 1pm & 6pm; Sat 9:30am & 2:15pm; Sun 9am & 1:30pm. Awards Ceremony 6:00pm (approx). Side Events: Blitz, U21 & U11. Sat 6:30pm, EF: $15 by 7/9, $20 on site. Bughouse: One section, Sat ASAP after Blitz, EF: $25 per team, on site only. Parents and Friends Tournament (not rated): 3SS, G/30, Sat, Rds 10:30, 2:30 & 4:00pm. EF: $10, on site only. Prizes: Trophies to top three plus one USCF Premium membership for each five participants. ENTRIES: Mail to USCF, ATTN: 2010 US Junior Open, P.O. Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Enter online: https://secure.uschess.org/webstore/tournaments.php . Tournament website link at uschess.org. Info: flguadalupe@aol.com, (713) 530-7820. WCL JGP.