Old Site

This is the old Texas Chess Association website. Visit the new site at TexasChess.org.

March 23, 2007

Welcome to the new TCA website!

Dear TCA members and friends of Texas Chess:

Welcome to the revamped Texas Chess Association website! You will notice that the appearance of the site has changed dramatically. The new page layout will make the site simpler to navigate, and we are using a new publishing platform that will make it easier to add new content. You can expect to see much more frequent updates on the site, including tournament announcements, results, games, and back issues of Texas Knights magazine!

We have also moved the discussion forums to Google Groups®. This change, and the use of the new publishing platform, will allow TCA to eliminate the expense and complexity of maintaining its own web and database servers.

I hope you enjoy the new website and forums. Please feel free to send feedback – good or bad – to our TCA webmaster, Peter Kappler, at texaschess@gmail.com, or to me at msimpson@gmail.com.

Thanks, and enjoy the site!

Michael M. Simpson
TCA President